David Andrew Burd, also known as Lil Dicky, is one of us. He’s from Cheltenham, a comedian and rapper who sometimes appears at Sixers games. A cashier at the Aramingo Avenue Taco Bell once asked me if I knew who Lil Dicky was and claimed that we look alike (true story).

Dicky does these goofy music videos, like that “Freaky Friday” track, where he wakes up inside Chris Brown’s body. It has 494 million Youtube views and Virginia Tech’s women’s lacrosse team got in trouble for singing it. 

Anyway, he’s got a new track out featuring contributions from a plethora of singers and celebrities, including auto-tuned Joel Embiid, who comes in around 3:57 with the lyric “we love you Africa” –

This video was dropped ahead of Monday’s Earth Day, and all of the proceeds from the song/merchandise/etc are being disbursed via the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which supports global climate and wildlife initiatives.

So there you go. It’s all for a good cause. Here’s a local kid doing a good thing.

Happy Friday.