Shaolin shadowboxing, and the Wu-Tang sword style..
If what you say is true, 
The Shaolin and the Wu-Tang could be dangerous…
Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me?

This could be the most ambitious crossover event in the history of Philadelphia sports. Here’s Union mascot Phang joining the Wu on stage in Atlantic City:


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Phang out there livin’ his best life last night 👀 @wutangclan ✖️ Wu Phang #DOOP | @philaunionphang

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The saga continues, Wu Phang, Wu Phang

Olympic torch flaming, we burn so sweet
The thrill of victory, the agony, defeat
We crush slow, flaming deluxe slow
For, judgment day cometh, conquer, it’s war

More after the jump:


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Wu Tang, meet Wu Phang. #DOOP | #WuTang

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FYI if you’re a Wu fan check this one out:

If Every Wu-Tang Clan Member Was a Philadelphia Athlete