Here’s something you don’t see every day.

Over at Philly Magazine, Victor Fiorillo walks us through the farewell festivities for Inquirer/Daily News columnist Stu Bykofsky, who took a buyout after 47 years writing about anything and everything.

During the gathering, a bunch of people got up to serenade Bykofsky and wish him well in the future, blah blah, that sort of stuff. Then this happened, according to Fiorillo:

It was all in good fun. Well, that is until Pulitzer-winning Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron was summoned to speak.

Saffron brought up the friendship between Bykofsky and a longtime Philly publishing world character by the name of Ted Beitchman, who has a rather checkered history that includes procuring topless dancers for a party while he held a senior position in Ed Rendell’s mayoral administration and a conviction for tax evasion.

Just as one newspaper editor walked over and whispered something to (columnist Jenice) Armstrong, Saffron invoked The Great Stu Bykofsky Thai Prostitution Controversy of 2011. Or, as Saffron put it, “his infamous column about his taste for child prostitutes in Thailand.”

“This is a total fucking lie,” Bykofsky retorted, his arms crossed, as Armstrong’s concern over the mess became more obvious

Well shit! That escalated quickly.

Here’s the video of that particular exchange, full credit to Philly Mag, after the jump:

One of the more bizarre things I’ve seen! I was actually physical uncomfortable while watching that, and I don’t even know anybody in the video.

Anyway, Fiorillo has three more videos to go along with a full account of what happened over at Philly Mag. This could, perhaps, be a Pulitzer moment for him.

Click here to read the full thing and give them their deserved page view.