This story just keeps getting weirder. Earlier today, a video surface of Sixers forward Mike Scott getting involved in a tussle prior to the Eagles v. Redskins game. The video started well into the physical altercation, which didn’t provide much -if any- context. As the great Eric Bischoff would say, “Context is King.” Now it appears we have a bit of context:

It’s hard to make out what led to the confrontation that starts the video, but someone with a mic says, “F*ck outta here,” while others can be heard chanting, “Fight! Fight!” Someone clearly tried to intervene on Scott’s behalf with a “Yo, Mike. Mike! Yo.” Then, as per usual, the chants of “assssssshooooole” started up. The guy with the mic then jumps in saying, “That’s a fight you’re not gonna win, bro. That’s a fight you’re not gonna win.”

Now the real question -beyond why there was a coffin with a Redskins jersey at a tailgate- is how Mike Scott ended up under that tent and what preceded the video. Was he taunted by the guy on the mic while walking by? Did someone recognize him, offer him a beer, then things got out of hand?

One thing we can be sure about is that it wasn’t the tailgate he was invited to by 4th and Jawn:

That’s what we know for now. I assume we’ll have plenty of angles and insight in the days that follow. I’ll stand by what I tweeted after the initial video came out:

The next time you go to an Eagles game, try to be less awful to each other. Deal?