Opinion: It’s Time to Ban “Butch from Manayunk” From All Eagles-Related Events

Kevin Kinkead | January 3, 2020

Woke up to this today.

It’s recurring WIP morning show caller “Butch from Manayunk” serenading, nay, yelling some sort of song at Vinny Curry and Greg Ward, who appear to be doing a signing session at a Chickie’s and Pete’s location.

Volume up:

…and volume down.

I hate to say it, but here’s what needs to be done:

Butch from Manayunk needs to be banned from all Eagles-related activities and events, for life! (Adam Silver voice).  His phone number needs to be blocked on the WIP computers and anybody who is caught putting him on the air receives a two-week suspension without pay. This extends to Eagles Shirley as well, who is an automatic channel change when she comes on the air.

Furthermore, if Butch shows up to another WIP event, he must be denied entry at the door. And if he tries to sing another song, about any of the teams, he will be immediately and forcefully removed from the premises.

This is just my opinion, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of other Crossing Broad writers, though it looks like most WIP listeners are on the right side of history: