Where Do You Stand While Waiting for Your Wawa Order?

Kevin Kinkead | January 17, 2020

Russ sent this to me with only three words of instructions:

“this is post”

No clue where this graphic originated, but is is, indeed, post worthy, and it asks an important question –

When you order an item from Wawa, where do you stand while waiting for it? Here are your choices:

I’m option #2. I stand at the coffee island, near the end of it, where you put your straws and extra sugar packets and stuff like that in the trash can. Being in front of the sandwich counter is indeed a little weird, but you can’t stand too far back, or else you won’t hear them call your number. I also like to keep an eye on the sandwich makers to see if they’ve started on my item yet.

Of course, this will vary by location. My local Wawa is, unfortunately, the Aramingo Avenue one, which is a total shit show. Oftentimes you just stand wherever you can find room, since there’s typically 100 people in there at a time. But in a typical Wawa, I’d stand at either of these areas:

There are no wrong choices here. Unless you’re choosing Sheetz.