Here’s Dr. Fauci on the Possibility of Playing Sports in Empty Stadiums

Kevin Kinkead | April 15, 2020

Everybody has an opinion on COVID-19, some of which carry more weight than others.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the federal government’s top infectious diseases expert, so his words mean a lot more than those of the average Twitter jabroni, who says stuff like “we’re definitely not having baseball until 2022, so get used to it!

Here’s what Fauci, who actually knows what he’s talking about, had to say about the possibility of fan-less sports in 2020, via an interview with Snapchat’s Peter Hamby:


“There’s a way of doing that. Nobody comes to the stadium. Put (players) in big hotels, wherever you want to play, keep them very well surveiled, but have them tested like every week and make sure they don’t wind up infecting each other or their family, and just let them play the season out. People say, ‘well you can’t play without spectators. Well, I think you’d probably get enough buy-in from people who are dying to see a baseball game, particularly me. I’ve been living in Washington, we have the world champion Washington Nationals. I want to see them play again.”

Agree with everything up until the last sentence. Nobody really wants to see the Nationals play again.