NFL Releases Draft and Broadcast Details

Kevin Kinkead | April 13, 2020

Roger Goodell will be unable to bro-hug draft picks this year because he’ll be announcing first round selections from his basement.

That’s life in 2020, as we sit in our houses and social distance while a global pandemic rages. As such, the NFL draft will look more like our fantasy football drafts, with digitally-connected front offices calling in their picks the old-fashioned way.

Earlier today, Ian Rapoport reported that the league will conduct a mock draft next week, which is basically just a dry run to make sure this Plan B setup is working smoothly. He says a “separate and secure line” was created for draft trades, with teams calling that line specifically to complete swaps.

The NFL then released the rest of the schedule and broadcast details via press release, and on the league website:

Sounds good to me. Let’s rock and roll. No more complaining.