We interrupt your warm, sunny day with an important update from 97.5 The Fanatic, where afternoon drive host Mike Missanelli went on a bit of a huffy rampage.

It all started with a conversation between Missanelli and his on-screen counterparts Tyrone Johnson and Natalie Egenolf about a NY woman who called the police claiming she was being attacked by an African American man. What did the man do? Asked her to put her dog on a leash. In what came as a shock to just about no one, her story changed over time and she was fired from her job. Watch the video and draw your own conclusions.

Anyway, Tyrone and Natalie appeared to be arguing that the woman’s assertion she was being “attacked” was misleading as there was no physical contact. Mike, who any listener has been reminded ad nauseam has a law degree, made the case that the woman’s perception/opinion that she was being verbally attacked was the crux of the argument. Rather than shaking hands bumping elbows, Missanelli called for a commercial break and FIRED his headset off-screen:

Awkward. Did the commercial break calm the tension? Nope:

That certainly looks like at least one F-bomb being directed at Tyrone. Now look, Mike’s been at this a long time, most of which hasn’t had a TV component. Is this a heat-of-the-moment thing? Maybe. Should he have known better? Absolutely. Is it the first time he’s had… anger issues around radio colleagues? Not exactly.

We here at Crossing Broad report, you decide. Full clip after the jump:

The immediate reaction on Twitter, and a near unanimous consensus is that Mike owes Tyrone and Natalie an apology. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

At least we got a good GIF out of this: