Kentucky Radio Caller Okay With Letting a Million People Die “Because We Would Maintain Our Freedoms”

Kevin Kinkead | June 30, 2020

This is quite the phone call from “Big Al,” who dialed up a show known as ‘Kentucky Sports Radio’ today to talk about COVID-19:

Part of the exchange:

Host: I’m just asking your opinion; I’m not worried about the numbers. If a million people died, so that we could have sports, would you be cool with it?

Big Al: Yes, because we would maintain our freedoms.

I think it’s worth pointing that the one million deceased would no longer have their freedoms. Minor detail there. And look, Big Al was trying to make a point using numbers, which is cool, but the Spanish Flu pandemic began in 1918, which was more than 100 years ago. That’s a hard parallel to draw in 2020.

Anyway, that’s it for me today. Have a fantastic Tuesday night.