Chris Long Calls DeSean Jackson Instagram Posts a “F****** Disaster”

Kevin Kinkead | July 9, 2020

Ex-Eagle and two-time Super Bowl champion Chris Long has always been outspoken on social and political issues.

During a time when some typically prominent voices have been silent (where’s Malcolm Jenkins?), Long decided to speak up on the DeSean Jackson Instagram controversy on his Green Light podcast.

Credit to Mike Kaye at for the transcriptions:

“I mean, quoting Hitler is bad business, but quoting fake Hitler quotes is like a cherry on top,” Long said. “I don’t know if it’d be worse if he quoted a real one or the fake one. Needless to say, it’s wrong … It seems like, and I don’t know what it is, but it seems like we’re not allowed to say like it’s not good. It’s not good. It’s wrong, and I’m sure I have Jewish listeners. I’m against anti-Semitism.”

“Just like with Drew Brees, I don’t get to decide when his apology or his learning process on this thing is complete,” Long said. “All I know is that he talked bad about Jewish people, and somehow managed to use a fake Hitler quote doing it, and that is a fucking disaster … I think it’s fucked up, unequivocally.”

Here’s the key quote:

“it seems like we’re not allowed to say like it’s not good”

It’s the double-standard thing, and you’re hearing this gripe all over social media and on TV right now. Where’s Jenkins? Colin Kaepernick? What’s with the silence of NFL players who spoke up for equality during these past couple of months? That seems to be the main criticism surfacing over the past 48 hours.

Folks are looking for stuff like this:

“I’m done with cancel culture. It doesn’t educate and it doesn’t allow room for growth.”

Well said by the ex-Eagle, Emmanuel Acho.