Sam Carchidi Provides an Example of How Not to Read the Room (Update)
This story doesn’t require a lot of words.
Flyers media availability today, first question from the Inquirer’s Sam Carchidi:
"Can you guys forget about all the social issues for a minute and just focus on hockey" Fucking woof.
A really, really bad look for @BroadStBull who sincerely does not understand what the players are doing nor what is happening in the world.
— Steph Driver (@StephaliciousD) August 28, 2020
Holy cow, that was awkward. JVR’s face says it all.
Sam Carchidi has taken a lot of shit on this website in years past, and going after him further feels redundant since the poor guy has already been clobbered many times over. Obviously he’s closer to John Boruk than Will Bunch on the political spectrum, if you know what I mean.
That said, if he feels like BLM is bullshit or fashions himself a “stick to sports” guy, then okay, fine, but just do yourself a favor and try to read the room. Take two seconds to think about the Hockey Diversity Alliance and the current state of the country and at least just show like half an ounce of sensitivity to the situation at hand. Or just ask that same question without the qualifier of “forget about all the social issues for a minute.”
The ironic thing is that Sam’s Inquirer colleagues just went apeshit on management for the Buildings Matter, Too, headline debacle, which resulted in an internal revolt and the resignation of the newspaper’s top editor. Wonder if the journos over there will similarly rail against the hockey guy for being insensitive.
He apologized –
During today’s Flyers press conference, I worded a question poorly. What I meant to convey, & I apologize for not wording better, was, I know there are very important social issues, but I wanted to ask hockey question. In no way did I want to minimize the important social issues.
— Sam Carchidi (@BroadStBull) August 28, 2020