Does abstinence make the heart grow fonder?

Play on words there, but also a serious question. Imagine you’re stuck in the NBA bubble with your Playstation 4 and a fishing pier connected to the hotel, but WAGS are nowhere to be found. A lot of men might enjoy that, then you realize you haven’t had sex in two months.

The NBA will soon be allowing outsiders into the bubble, but only those with “long-standing relationships” to the players, which in layman’s terms means that side pieces are not allowed. No friends with benefits. That might sound crass, but it is what it is.

Stephen A Smith is similarly speaking our language, and believes that these conjugal visits should be allowed:

“I would strongly advise the NBA to facilitate that happening.”

It’s true. Anything to help… uh… the physical and mental well being of these athletes. Let’s let these guys live a little bit, so long as everyone is getting the nasal swab and following the rules.