Thom Brennaman is in Big Trouble After Hot Mic Catches Homophobic Slur

Kevin Kinkead | August 20, 2020

The only person having a worse week than Brett Brown or Elton Brand might be Thom Brennaman, the Cincinnati Reds’ play-by-play guy, who you probably know better from his NFL work. He’s part of the Sunday crew that includes Chris Spielman and Shannon Spake.

Wednesday night, he was calling a Reds/Royals game, when a hot mic picked up an anti-gay slur coming out of a commercial break (audio is NSFW) –


Brennaman later apologized on the air, then was yanked and replaced with the sideline reporter for the remainder of the game.

But the totally bananas portion of this clip is when he stops, mid-apology, to call a home run, and then gets back to the apology:

This is the part where everybody on Twitter tells him that his apology sucks and that it’s insincere, but only the apologizer knows if they’re being truthful or not. Brennaman was immediately suspended, indefinitely, and I’m sure we’ll get news of his firing today or tomorrow. I’ll set the odds at -325.