Adam Sandler is in Philly while shooting his upcoming movie, titled Hustle, in which he plays a basketball scout who discovers a player in Spain and brings him to America. The film will feature cameos from LeBron James and Kyle Scott’s favorite player of all time, Kyle Lowry.

Sandler has been spotted in a few places around town, but he seems to be on a musical kick lately.

Earlier in the week, he asked Fishtown’s DiPinto guitars for an acoustic assist and ended up buying another one of their electrics:

DiPinto makes great stuff. Great shop, good dudes, easy repairs and service (they are not paying me to write this, I was just a previous customer).

And then Sandler came through what looks to be George’s music in Berwyn to buy another guitar:

McDevitt says Sandler also “wore the same gold shorts to dinner in Radnor” while wearing a t-shirt that said “best dad ever.” We can respect that. He’s quite comfortable wearing whatever he wants to wear.

Adam Sandler, just rolling around the Philadelphia area, buying guitars. Where will he go next? We gotta get him up to Pat’s at Frankford and Cottman.