It’s a tradition unlike any other, unless it’s in November.

As expected, the pandemic-affected Masters tournament pulled pitiful TV numbers to go along with the World Series, Stanley Cup Finals, and NBA Finals as events that people just weren’t into this year.

From Barrett Sports Media:

“Such was the case with The Masters, which averaged a 3.4 rating and an audience of around 5.6 million.

It is a 51% drop in the ratings and a 48% drop in audience size from a year ago. Remember, that in 2019, Tiger Woods was finishing off an unlikely win. It proves what an impact he still has on the sport. Previous lows for The Masters came in 1980 when the final round of the tournament drew a 6.7 rating and in 2017 when just 11.05 million people tuned in for the final round.”

This is the first time The Masters has competed with college football and the NFL at the same time. It was always going to be a tough ask for the event to pull decent numbers with that considered. You had college ball on ‘moving day’ and your final round went up against an NFL Sunday. Plus, it wasn’t competitive. Dustin Johnson ran away with it.

Oh well. This is par for the course during the pandemic.

Get it? Par for the course?




