If you read this site with any regularity, you know what NBC Sports Philadelphia has undergone a significant transformation over the years. Many talented folks have left. Programs have been cut. The station is essentially a bare bones operation compared to the ROBUST juggernaut of halcyon days past.

As such, you’ve seen some overlap with the local sister operation of NBC 10, with resources being shared between the two stations. One of the early changes saw NBCSP talent doing sports segments remotely from their studios during WCAU broadcasts, i.e. Jim Rosenfield and Jacqueline London would be in the main studio but John “Airports” Clark or Danny Pommels would anchor sports remotely from South Philadelphia. It made no sense to have sports anchors in the news operation because you ran an entire sports operation about 15 minutes down the road.

With more cuts taking place at the regional sports networks (RSNs), Jeff Blumenthal at the Philadelphia Business Journal now reports that the company is essentially combining news and sports entities to streamline operations.

He writes:

Seems like a corporate-level thing, but we’ll see. Blumenthal says this new setup went into effect on January 25th, with the RSNs now operating and collaborating with the local television stations as a single team.

This news comes about a week after the the departure of NBC Sports Philadelphia’s longtime VP and content leader, Michelle Murray. She informed staff last week that she was done after more than ten years in her position. Also leaving are VP of Marketing Cynthia Weiss, a day one CSN employee, and digital contributor Brooke Destra, who told Twitter followers she was out.

It seems like the gradual desiccation of NBC Sports Philadelphia now segues into some sort of amalgam operation with NBC 10, like an amorphous television blob shifting and evolving to meet contemporary market demands, or maybe just to save money. What that means for you, the viewer, will become apparent over time.