Vaccinated Roger Goodell Greenlighted for Bro Hugs

Kevin Kinkead | April 23, 2021

Breaking NFL news here:

But do they want to hug him? That’s a question worth asking.

This is big news, however, because Goodell, who hosted the 2020 draft from his basement, loves a good bro hug. He loves to dap it up with these guys. And there was that one time when Danny Shelton lifted him clear off the ground.

I went through some of the replies to the tweet, and there are people who think this is a bad idea, because the players may not be vaccinated. Or he might get a variant of COVID somehow. You’re supposed to continue taking precautionary measures even after being pricked (with the needle), so there are arguments that this is sending the wrong message.

Dunno. Guess the doctors can weigh in on that. The bigger story is whether the Eagles get this draft right or fuck it up again. I better not see Goodell hugging some stiff after the 12th overall pick.