We’re having a lot fun with the DX thing this week. Sometimes you gotta roll with the current topic in Philly sports.

After Joel Embiid did the crotch-chop on Wednesday night and then shouted out Triple H and Shawn Michaels after the game, we thought it would be appropriate to dedicate this edition of the Friday Mount Rushmore column to Degeneration X, which has to go down as one of the best groups in wrestling history.

We asked for your help in compiling the Mount Rushmore of DX matches, which includes all members over the course of their existence, and came up with this:

New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie – the Dumpster Match

March 29th, 1998. Wrestlemania 14, live at the sold out FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts.

The premise for the match was ridiculous, but totally entertaining. To win, you had to put the opposing tag team in a dumpster and shut the lid, then the titles were yours.

This match had some laugh out loud moments, like the halfway point, when Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg had both opponents leaning over the dumpster and kept slamming the lid on them. Ultimately the challengers prevailed when Terry Funk put the Outlaws on a fork lift and deposited them into a backstage bin.

The 10-man tag match

This one dates back to 2000, and probably goes down as one of the best RAW matches of all time.

It was a five vs. five extravaganza, with Triple H and X-Pac teaming up with the Radicals to take on Cactus Jack, The Rock, Scotty 2 Hotty, Grandmaster Sexay, and Rikishi. Just ridiculousness and mayhem all over the arena. I was 15 years old and watching this one back in the day, laughing at the commentary with Stephanie McMahon chiming in.

DX vs. Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon, and The Big Show

This was Unforgiven, 2006, with Shawn Michaels and Triple H going 2v3 in a handicapped Hell in a Cell match.

It lasted 25 minutes, resulted in a lot of blood loss, and ended when Triple H broke the sledgehammer over the younger McMahon. The only good video clip I could find appears to be in Portuguese or Italian.

D-Generation X Vs. Rated-RKO

This one took place at New Year’s Revolution in January of 2007.

Rated-RKO was the tag team duo of Edge and Randy Orton, and in this match Michaels basically just went nuts, decked the referee, got out some steel chairs and then did a flying elbow drop on the Spanish announce table. It ended in a no contest.


honorable mention: DX vs. Nation of Domination (1998), DX vs. Dudley Boyz and Chris Jericho (2000), X-Pac/Road Dogg/The Rock vs. Triple-H, Billy Gunn, and Chyna (1999)