Kenny Mayne Signs off from ESPN in Typical Kenny Mayne Fashion

Kevin Kinkead | May 25, 2021

Gotta say, some of the Facebook comments in response to these Kenny Mayne stories are disappointing. People saying he’s “lame” or “not funny” or “never even on TV” had me kind of annoyed.

What I’ve learned is that a younger generation only knows Mayne as this part-time goofball who did quirky niche gigs on ESPN over the last 10 or so years. They don’t seem to be familiar with the Kenny Mayne who anchored Sports Center during ESPN’s glory days, when his dry humor and deadpan style drew a lot of genuine laughs. This was before phones and Twitter and AOL 3.0 and all of that.

Admittedly, it was a short window, the halcyon days, so you can understand why there is a Kenny Mayne 1.0 and Kenny Mayne 2.0, and why a large number of people might not remember those 1990s shows he did with Dan Patrick after Keith Olbermann left the network. You’d have to be 35 or older to really have some familiarity with the original Mayne.

Anyway, he’s leaving ESPN and last night signed off for a final time, in this fashion:

He also had Aaron Rodgers on the show and ended the interview like this:

Okay, one final video clip.

This one has a compilation of some of the old Sports Center commercials. A lot of classic stuff in here if you wanna take a walk down memory lane on a Tuesday morning: