Sports Illustrated Guy Goes a Little Overboard Ripping Philly Fans

Kevin Kinkead | May 28, 2021

The other night we had three NBA games and three different fan incidents.

In Philly, the popcorn thrower was banned from the arena and had his season tickets revoked. The Madison Square Garden spitter was similarly banned for his New York transgressions. And in Utah, Jazz fans got the boot for crossing the line with language directed at Ja Morant’s family.

So there was plenty of attention to be spread out between three different cities, but here comes this guy going after us:

Snowballs at Santa Claus! Pukemon! This guy ran the gamut of Philadelphia fan incidents.

We’ve had our share of assholes in this town, and it’s a relatively large share, but the irony about Wednesday night is that popcorn thrower was probably the least severe of all three separate fan incidents. The other two were worse. It doesn’t excuse popcorn guy’s behavior, but the national ire should probably have been more directed at New York and Utah.