“He’s Not the Type to Take that Risk” – Danny Green With an Honest Ben Simmons Take

Kevin Kinkead | June 28, 2021

I used 2,000 words on two prior Ben Simmons stories, so no need to go overboard here. We’ll keep it short.

Danny Green has a podcast called “Inside the Green Room,” which is co-hosted by a guy named Harrison Sanford. On the most recent episode, the pair spoke about Simmons and Green had some pretty honest, but fair, things to say:

Green, in part:

“You can tell Ben’s the type of kid if he’s not encouraged, if he’s not pushed or forced to do it, he’s not the type to take that risk. Obviously, he’s a high IQ guy. People think he’s low IQ, but you can tell, he gets a lot of assists and pushes the pace and gets paid to do what he does, because he’s so good at it. Mind you, he doesn’t step outside of that box because he knows well enough like, ‘I’m good at this, so I don’t need to step (outside)…”

It’s nothing we don’t already know, but it’s good to hear it from a former teammate (Green is a free agent) and NBA veteran who has three rings. When you hear a professional make the same points we’re making, it helps keep our sanity as we try to stem the tide of “stans” telling us that nothing is wrong with Ben Simmons.