Ben Simmons Checking Out “the Tennis” with his New Girlfriend

Kevin Kinkead | July 6, 2021

You ever notice how British folks use the word “the” when talking about sporting events?

They’ll say, “I’m going to watch ‘the football’ today.” Or, “what channel is ‘the cricket’ on?” I’ve never understood why they do this, but it’s fascinating. I think it might have something to do with dropping the word “game” or “match” because it’s redundant, but we’ll ask around. We’ll get some answers.

In that regard, Ben Simmons went to Wimbledon with his new girlfriend to check out “the tennis” –

“Man, I’m so angry! Ben should be in the gym! He should be working on his game!” – some dipshit calling the radio later today. All of your Simmons gripes are legit, but this isn’t one of them. Joel Embiid went down to Margate after the season. Ben’s in London with his new woman. These guys all need time off after playing a grueling NBA schedule that continued into the second round of the playoffs.

But this new girl is apparently a television and radio ‘presenter’ for the BBC. That’s what they call anchors or hosts over there. They all them ‘presenters.’ She’s a UK native of Somali and Swedish descent and was named after American poet Maya Angelou.

The question is whether or not Maya Jama goes on the Mount Rushmore of Mayas. Right now I’d have it like this:

  • Maya Angelou
  • Mya (who did Ghetto Superstar with Pras and The ODB)
  • Maya Moore
  • Maya Rudolph

Maybe we put Jama up there eventually, but someone would have to make way. What’s most important right now is that we get Maya Jama over here for a Sixers game. She can watch “the basketball.”