Eugene Chung had two stints with the Eagles.

He was the assistant offensive line coach from 2010 to 2012, and then returned to Philly with Doug Pederson in 2016, to take on that same role while assuming some additional duties. His contract expired in 2019 and was not renewed.

Recently, Chung said that he experienced discrimination during a job interview with another NFL team, but the league was not able to rule definitely on the charge (via ESPN):

“After multiple discussions, including with Mr. Chung and his representative, we were unable to confirm the precise statement that was made, or by whom and under what circumstances any such statement was made,” the league said in a statement Thursday.

He told The Boston Globe in May that he was told he was “not the right minority” by an interviewer. Chung, who is Korean American, didn’t identify the team and told ESPN in May that he wasn’t trying to “call anyone out” by publicly revealing who said it.

Obviously this thing hits a dead end if Chung won’t name names. And even if he does, there’s no certainty that it would lead anywhere. If would turn into a “he said/she said” type of situation with no hard evidence, presumably. It seems like the same conclusion would have been reached, which is no conclusion.