If you had a COVID-19 bingo card and one of the squares said “Jerry Jones encourages people to get the vaccine,” then you’d probably assume that box would remain unchecked.

But alas, ‘Jerruh’ is actually pro-vaccine and shared some words of wisdom on a Dallas sports radio station:


Now, of course the cynics will say “this guy just wants to make sure he isn’t losing any money,” and that’s probably true, but it’s also interesting to see a guy with a lot of pull in deep red Texas talk about personal responsibility, and how individual choices affect everybody else around us. It’s one thing to make your personal choice, and then go live in the woods like a hermit and not bother anybody, but the fact of the matter is that we’re a nation of 300 million people, and we all use the grocery store, the gas station, and the Port-O-Johns at the outdoor summer music festival. You might not want to, but you really have to go and you don’t have another choice. So into the plastic toilet you go.

The “personal choice” thing really only holds merit if you’re gonna live like Kevin Costner in Water World. Or like Chris Farley, in a van down by the river.