Maybe I buried the lede a bit and should have started with the really juicy quotes.

After Doc Rivers spoke about Ben Simmons’ suspension, Joel Embiid was up next at the podium (it’s more of a table) and said this about his pseudo-estranged teammate:

Listening to that in real time, some of us thought he was saying “I don’t care about that, man.” But upon further review he is indeed saying that he does not care about Ben Simmons, the ‘man’ in question being his teammate.

For full context here, the question was “are you disappointed that he hasn’t bought back in yet?“, and then Embiid begins with the quote in the video clip above.

Embiid was also asked about linking up with Simmons and talking it over and dropped a line about babysitting. Question from David Murphy at the Inquirer:

This whole thing is exhausting. Can’t wait until it’s over.