Mike Missanelli Launching a Cooking Show
If you listen to Mike Missanelli’s radio show, you know he’s big into food. At least once per day there’s discussion about Italian cooking, or culinary preferences, or the proper amount of a condiment to put on something. It’s not exactly Rachael Ray, but there’s enough food talk to make you wonder if Mike is more interested in the gastronomic arts than Philly sports in 2022.
Lo’ and behold, here comes the launch of a new Mike Miss venture, a cooking show that’s debuting this month.
Here’s the blurb on his website:
The inspiration behind “MikeMiss: The Every Day Cook” derives from his childhood. Mike will showcase his passion for food and cooking as well as chronicle the journey. The show will take viewers through the dishes (sic) inspiration, preparation and relative stages of cooking it. Each episode will feature him talking about his favorite food experiences, share family dishes and the stories behind them. There will also be a dash of sports talk. The show will combine entertainment, education and interaction. Mike wanted to create something lighthearted yet still share his real experience as an every day cook with no trained culinary experience. While his family recipes come naturally to him, he will also expand into dishes outside his comfort zone.
The “Every Day Cook” will be doing TV specials, virtual events as well as live audience events across the Philadelphia region. Mike will also invite Philly area VIP guests to help prepare meals and talk about their own cooking experiences on selected themed shows.
The Every Day Cook Premieres with a live virtual event on January 18 at 8PM EST.
What will the first dish be? Definitely something Italian. Maybe a hearty minestrone soup, or some pappardelle with the bolognese. Throw some shredded parmesan on there and BAM!
But for real, Mike has one foot out the door already. He doesn’t give half a shit about Philly sports. He’s been doing it for so long that I don’t blame him. He doesn’t want to talk about the Eagles’ quarterback situation or take phone calls from “Joey in the Northeast,” he wants to focus on golf, wine, and food. He’s making the transition into whatever comes next. It’s so obvious.