The NBA All Star Game Jerseys Leaked and (Shocker) They Aren’t Any Good

Kyle Pagan | January 24, 2022

So Joel Embiid is going to win the All Star Game MVP dressed in a soccer pinnie, huh? –

Between these jerseys and everyone disagreeing with NFL overtime rules, this country can’t stop coming together. Who knew outdated football laws and shitty design work is what we needed to bring this country back from the brink?

These look like a weird mashup of a mermaid’s tail and the old school Deion Sanders Florida State mesh jerseys. It’s got to suck being the designer for the NBA ASG jerseys. It’s a no-win situation. I don’t remember a mock up being introduced that people enjoyed. When was the last good one, 1995 in Phoenix? The NBA needs to realize it’s time to go back to players wearing their team jerseys for the All Star Game:

You could even do team throwbacks. Embiid in the black 2001 Sixers jersey would be awesome. Or the silk blue ones during the Andre Iguodala years, that if you touched a light switch while wearing it, you were guaranteed to shock yourself 100 out of 100 times because of the built-up static electricity:

Youtube screen grab