Canadian Guy Wearing Eagles Sweatshirt Has Had it with the Protests

Kevin Kinkead | February 17, 2022

Not sure if you’re following the news up in Canada, but the the short version is that a bunch of people are sick of the COVID restrictions and they started this huge protest. It began with truckers blocking border crossings and now in Ottawa there’s basically a nonstop demonstration going on. They’re parking in populated areas and honking their horns over and over and the entire city has basically turned into ground zero for COVID and other assorted political complaints right now.

So anyway, this video went viral on Wednesday, and it’s a fed up Ottawa resident wearing a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt telling the protesters to fuck off (very NSFW) –


I laughed out loud when he did the “fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you.” Reminds me of the scene from Half Baked where Scarface is asked for “Heffer with Cheese” and then he blows up and quits, then throws the burger at the guy. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, and fuck you I’m OUT.”

But for real – are there Eagles fans in Canada? I assumed the folks in Toronto liked the Buffalo Bills, but Ottawa is further north and further east, near Montreal. Maybe they just pick whatever team they want. Either way, this guy is now a bona fide member of Eagles nation. Welcome aboard.