Before the NBA All Star game, the TNT cameras flashed to the Team Durant locker room, which showed Joel Embiid, Trae Young, Devin Booker, Jayson Tatum, and Zach Lavine playing cards with about $500 in the pot:

Galaxy brain move from Joel Embiid to deal yourself first when there’s a big pot. Screw the etiquette of dealing cards. They don’t ask how they ask how many. I wonder who won? Honestly, I would’ve loved to hear Chuck and the TNT guys call the Spades game. Instead the cameras pulled away and we never knew who won the hand.

That was until they showed Erik Spolestra’s pregame speech and we saw Joel Embiid counting his winnings and half listening to Spo:

Congrats to the big man on the big win! That’s probably what he tips his doorman at Christmas. I love these guys playing $500 pots like we play $10 hands at Sugarhouse. There’s like half a billion dollars in net worth between those guys. A $100 bill falls out of these guys’ pockets and they just keep walking.

Do you think MJ was going to fly to Cleveland before he saw the card game? No shot. He saw Joel dealing and fired the jet up to Cleveland immediately. They’re probably still playing right now because MJ went down $50k and he won’t let anyone leave until he’s in the black again.