Are There More Wheels or Doors in the World? The Phillies Decide
Down in Clearwater, the Phillies were asked about a topic that has been dividing the nation. Are there more doors or wheels in the world?
My first thoughts:
There are billions of houses in the world with billions of doors, but there are billions of cars, bikes, uni- and tri-cycles, scooters, and cheese that all have or are wheels. There are so many pulleys that involve wheels. Trucks with wheels carry doors, but doors can’t carry wheels. I think in this world we are at least 2:1 on wheels to doors.
But I couldn’t let my hypothesis be the only one tested so I asked the guys at CB:
Craig (video guy) – Wheels, hands down. Just think how many hot wheels cars there are in the world. 4 wheels, 0 doors. My childhood collection alone won this debate for #TeamWheels.
Dave (social) – Is a kitchen cabinet considered a door?
Kevin (my boss) – More wheels. Cabinets aren’t a fucking door
Bob (Bro of Baseball) – N/A
Russ (Snow thy Goalie) – Doors. And then he went into this whole thing how tent flaps are doors. Ice shacks. Some cultures don’t have traditional doors. Basically if you’re a Snow the Goalie listener you understand what I’m saying.
Kyle (Maestro) – N/A
Robert (Not Coggin) – With the amount of bikes, cars, car toys, vehicles in the world I’d agree on wheels
So there you have it. What do you, the reader, think? 610-632…
P.S. Tomorrow the Phillies social team should ask are there more good players or bad players on the team and just trot John Middleton, Dave Dombrowski, and Sam Fuld out there for their answers.