Big week for assault! This one happened during a track meet down in Kissimmee, Florida:

KISSATHESE FISTS! What a complete sucker punch out of nowhere. Totally uncalled for. Kick him off the tour, Doug! Or maybe there’s more to the story like every single video we see with no context.

According to Marley Dickinson at Canadian Running Magazine:

According to bystanders online, the man who threw the punch was standing on the track (not in the race), during the middle of the mile, and the runner shoved him out of the way on his first time around. This seems to have upset him, and he struck the runner in the head on his next lap.

Welp that doesn’t make it any better. Come on man, this is the 1600 meter. Gotta get off the track when the train is coming through. The guys are gassed, they gotta control their breathing, and focus. They don’t have time to be throwing you off the track because you’re not paying attention.

I wonder what happened to the runner after this:

The runner who was hit finished the race.

Hockey tough.