Watch this video that Temple’s OwlTV students did for Haason Reddick right before the 2017 NFL Draft:


What a story.

Everything from walking on at Temple, to the team not even wanting you back until a coaching change took place, putting on 51 pounds in four years, and the sacrifices his mom made just so he could pursue his dreams. The part where his mom took a loan out for his meal plan so he could eat with the team – who’s cutting onions? I hope Mama Reddick is balling out at the Cherry Hill mall with her black Amex right now.

It baffles me that people have this level of mental toughness. I can’t comprehend the fortitude it takes going from a 0 star recruit to a top NFL pass rusher. How dedicated one can be to carve out a dream when all the chips are stacked against you is remarkable. The sacrifices to overcome the challenges of everyday life and focus on a goal at hand. To being drafted across the river from the city you grew up.

What a story: