Mike Missanelli with a Good Take Here

Kevin Kinkead | March 9, 2022

Crossing Broad has butted heads with Mike Missanelli over the years. There was the fantastic argument about unpaid internships. There was also the time Mike called us a “rag site” and told us to stay in our lane. It’s been a somewhat contentious relationship with the OUTRIGHT leader in Philly sports talk.

But we are a fair and balanced journalism website, and giving credit where it’s due is not beneath us. Therefore, we believe that in this clip here, Mike is firmly placing himself on the right side of history:

Mikey Miss:

“I’m not going to sit here and tell you not to be disappointed and show your true emotions against a fraud like this, who tried to destroy an entire season because your emotions are what they are, and you shouldn’t be asked to control them, for the sake of Ben Simmons and his little legal team. So you do what you need to do, and we’ll carry the burden from that point on. And frankly, who cares? I don’t care if the national media comes down on Philadelphia, because our answer is the right answer. Our answer is that that bastard tried to ruin an entire season of ours. Alright? So say whatever you want to say about Philly fans being bad, we have the right side of this whole thing.”

Bang bang!

Mike is 100% right. Ben Simmons had unconditional support when he started his career here. Everybody wanted him to work hard and improve his game, which didn’t happen. So he decided to hold out, let his teammates carry the load without him, and forced a trade.

Don’t let the national media twist the story and turn it around on Philly sports fans. Bastards! Don’t let them get away with it.

Mikey Miss is to Philly what Haiti is to Wyclef.