New Jersey Bill Would Let You Pump Your Own Gas

Kyle Pagan | March 2, 2022

“Self-service has been prohibited since 1949 despite repeated attempts to remove the ban.”

That’s the subheader on a Philly Voice article titled There’s another effort to let New Jersey drivers pump their own gas.

Greatest generation my ass. People haven’t been pumping their gas in New Jersey since 1949? And my grandfather wants to call me soft for working remote. Listen here sweetie, you were sitting in your car with no radio, no iPhone, no nothing? You had to sit in silence until a real man came up to you and pumped your gas?

There is nothing worse than waiting 20 minutes on a Friday to get your gas pumped when all you want to do is get down to the beach. With the labor shortage it’s gotten even worse. Just let me have the option to pump my own gas or not. I enjoy having my gas pumped for me when the wind chill is below 20 degrees. Any other time you should be pumping your own gas.

RE: the bill, Noah Zucker writes:

The Motorist Fueling Choice and Convenience Act, introduced Monday, would give drivers the option to pump their own fuel and give gas stations more flexibility in regard to providing attendants, reported. 

Stations with more than four pumps would still be required to have a full-service option between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., but smaller stations would be permitted to offer self-serve, full-service or a combination. 

The bill also would allow stations to give a discount to drivers who pump their own gas and prohibit counties and municipalities from implementing bans on self-service stations. 

Wait, are gas stations in Jersey charging us extra for their employees to pump our gas? Are the cigs priced more because the cashier has to physically get them behind the counter too? I know a lot of smokers who’d be happy to get them themselves for cheaper. Every penny counts right now:

The (New Jersey Gasoline and Convenience Store Association) estimates the legislation could knock $0.15 off the price of a gallon of gas. 

Just think of the time you’d get back if you were able to pump your own gas. Instead of it taking two hours to get down to Sea Isle, we’re looking at an hour forty-five tops. Hallelujah!

I’m going to retire on making “Jersey Girls Don’t Pump Gas ” into an NFT. Every girl from New Jersey had this on their car in 2011. Wore it like a badge of honor. Like it was beneath them. Sad. –

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