If you missed it from a few weeks back, we had a disaster on Wheel of Fortune, with a couple of players failing to solve a puzzle that was right in front of their faces. The poor souls got absolutely destroyed online, so badly that Pat Sajak had to go on Twitter and scold everybody for making fun of them, because live television is hard and solving puzzles is hard or something along those lines. It was a nice gesture from him, but doesn’t change the fact that the inability to solve this puzzle is just absolutely ridiculous:

Another feather in your cap. ANOTHER FEATHER IN YOUR CAP. This should have been a slam dunk, but alas, it was not.

Fast forward to this week and we had another nightmare:


Renting a pedal boat. A PEDAL BOAT. You know, the boats with pedals. And then the woman comes back and decides to spin and ASKS FOR AN M.

“Renting a Pedam Boat.” That’s what she thought it was. Renting a Pedam Boat.


The other the lady goes with a W. “Renting a Pedaw Boat.” She really thought the answer could be “Renting a Pedaw Boat.” 

If we’ve learned anything from all of this, it’s that Wheel of Fortune should be shut down permanently. Cancelled. It was never a great show anyway. Jeopardy should be extended to one hour and Wheel should be cancelled, outright. I’ll be awaiting Pat Sajak’s response on Twitter.