Ben Simmons returns to Philadelphia on Thursday night. It will be the biggest event in the history of all time and eternity. The booing will be so loud that it will reverberate throughout the entirety of the Delaware Valley.

According to Kyle Neubeck over at Voice, Klutch is working on some bullshit scheme to bullshit their way to getting Ben’s money back:

…league sources (are) anticipating that Simmons and his representation will file a formal grievance against the Sixers at some point in the coming days.

The expected move has been a long time coming. Dating back to the fall, there have been many around the Sixers’ organization who have chosen to go radio silent on all things Simmons, aware that arbitration was a likely outcome for this process. And anyone with a rudimentary understanding of finances also probably could have seen this coming — nobody likes to throw away $20 million even if they have that in the bank or coming to them down the road.

The suggestion has been floated in league circles that Simmons showing up for Thursday’s game is merely setting the stage for Simmons and Klutch Sports’ argument when the grievance is filed. Reports of an increased security presence at Thursday’s game circulated on Tuesday morning, which a cynical observer would say is meant to combat the venom directed at Simmons specifically. The security detail for that game, however, has been described simply as a “playoff-level crew” with consideration for a number of factors, including increased celebrity presence and a larger media contingent, in addition to the obvious angle regarding Simmons and the Nets.

You’ve got be kidding me, right? Any arbitrator with half a brain will toss this ridiculous grievance in five seconds. Ben did his press conference with the Nets a couple of weeks ago and literally said this had nothing to do with fans and blah blah. Furthermore, dude was under contract and decided not to show up. Then the Sixers justifiably began to withhold his money, Ben came back, half-assed his way through practice with his phone in his pocket, and got kicked out of practice. Then we heard about mental health issues and the trade finally happened at the deadline.

So now Ben comes back, after the fact, and gets booed into oblivion, and then jabroni Klutch will say, “see? this environment was hostile to our client.”

Is this real life? What kind of representation would even put their client in that situation anyway, if they really cared about the person?

“Hey Ben, you’re gonna get absolutely hammered on Thursday, but we need to do this to win your money back.”

This whole thing is a gigantic sack of shit. If Simmons wins this grievance, what kind of precedent does that set? Players can just decide to not honor their contract and force their way out of a situation they don’t like? Because the fans are mean?

If Philly fans could organize, they’d just cheer Ben on Thursday. Give him a standing ovation and the grievance disappears faster than Ben in the fourth quarter of a playoff game. But even raining down a cascade of boos on Simmons doesn’t dislodge the Sixers from their high ground position here.

Here’s Kyle’s full story: