So this happened at Citizens Bank Park:

And another angle:

Hilarious. The dictionary definition of “fuck around and find out.”

Consensus on social media seems to be that Mets fan had it coming. If you wanna taunt or gloat after a win, so be it. Get your digs in. But panning the stairs with your phone feels like a douche move, so obviously the Phillies fan felt justified in grabbing said phone and tossing it.

The one thing that’s goofy is that the Phillies fan then proceeds to exit via the stairs. Where is he going? Fleeing the scene? Then the woman says “bye bye” to the Mets fan while the poor usher looks like she has no idea what to do. There’s a lot going on here.

We typically take the approach of “let’s not give the national media anything to talk about,” and in that case, Phillies fan could have chilled out instead of giving the national bozos their material. But this Mets fan looks like he was being a horse’s ass, so maybe he deserved it. I’m sure we’ll hear more about this, but if you were in the area and saw it go down, drop me a line at