The Doc Rivers "Tell The Whole Story" Video Is Funnier When You Watch It Through The Potato Howard Eskin Recorded It On
We all saw the Doc Rivers video yesterday asking the media to “tell the whole story” when it came to his 3-1 collapses. Well, we didn’t get to see it on the phone Howard Eskin recorded it on.
When asked the question about 31 losses in #NBA close out games of playoff series #Sixers HC Glenn Rivers does not take accountability. When you hear this ask why he never brought up blowing 26 pt lead at home last year. @SportsRadioWIP
— Howard Eskin (@howardeskin) April 28, 2022
Add this one to the Deep Fried Hall of Fame next to Kevin Cooney’s Ben Simmons gif and Sam Carchidi’s video of Claude Giroux’s final walk:
As opposed to this guy….
— Kevin Cooney (@KevinCooney) March 22, 2022
From Zack Hill: @28CGiroux walking into the locker room after playing his 1,000th and final game for @NHLFlyers
— Sam Carchidi (@BroadStBull) March 24, 2022