This USFL story went viral the other day. It showed a Pittsburgh player on video being cut allegedly because he decided to order pizza instead of chicken salad at the cafeteria inside the Birmingham hotel where the players are staying.

Apparently we didn’t get the full story though, which the Maulers explained here:

Aha, so the chicken salad thing was not the entire story?

But wait, there’s more! Smith is out here denying that he did something wrong:

Now we’ve got a story. First, it was incomplete information. Now it’s contested information. It’s an old-fashioned he said/she said!

What needs to happen is that Smith needs to be reinstated. It was all a misunderstanding. Then, he comes back for Saturday’s game against the Philadelphia Stars and runs for a touchdown, then pulls a chicken salad out of his pads and eats it in the end zone. Bazinga! Instant ratings. A viral moment. People will tune in to watch the De’Veon Smith redemption story. There’s a good opportunity here for the USFL to pull some eyeballs and keep this nascent and burgeoning league afloat.