Brent Celek Gets the Ratio, Deletes Tweets

Kevin Kinkead | May 25, 2022

Former Eagle Brent Celek entered the gun control debate (sort of) after the horrific Tuesday school shooting in Texas:

The ratio began and he deleted both tweets.

Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with what he wrote. It is certainly true that we need to be better parents to our own children. The reason people came after him is because they are categorizing this as an empty “thoughts and prayers” type of statement.

These tweets are innocuous and not harmful, so it’s a bit much to kill the guy, but Brent’s followers, a large portion of whom are Eagles fans living in blue states, are obviously looking for more. They’re looking for nuanced thought that includes realistic solutions to prevent the  murder of innocent children. They are looking for policy suggestions to solve a longstanding problem. That’s why he got crushed on Twitter, not because he said anything that’s outrageous, but because he entered a micro-level debate with a macro-level thought that contains zero value, according to the people responsible for the ratio. It’s the same exact thing as Carli Lloyd taking shit a few years ago.

That’s about it. People want meaningful discussion and not hackneyed thoughts, so that’s why they were mad at Brent.