
“Back by popular demand, Wawa’s “SWOOP Shake” is returning to Philadelphia stores today with Wawa making a $5,000 contribution to the Eagles Autism Foundation in honor of the specialty beverage. Made with vanilla soft serve, mint flavor, whipped cream, and Eagles green jimmies, the SWOOP Shake will be available for a limited time through Sunday, May 22, 2022.”

I’ll admit that I didn’t even know the “SWOOP” Shake was a thing. This is the first time I’m hearing about it, but it sounds pretty damn good. I’m a Wawa frozen drink drinker. A frozen drinksman, if you will. That’s definitely an underrated portion of the Wawa menu. Don’t let the Sheetz lovers tell you otherwise.

Here’s more from the press release:

“The SWOOP Shake returns at an exciting time with the fifth annual Eagles Autism Challenge taking place on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Wawa has been a longstanding partner of the team’s largest annual fundraiser and sponsors the signature event’s cycling routes – Wawa Junior 10-Mile Ride, Wawa Shorti 30-Mile Ride, and Wawa Classic 50-Mile Ride. Wawa has continuously increased its support over the years, which has included Team Goose Pride consistently serving as one of the top fundraising teams for the Eagles Autism Challenge.”

As noted at the top the shake will be available from May 16th (today) until May 22nd (Sunday), so if you want one of these you gotta get in there now. If God wills it, I’ll head out to my local Wawa and order the SWOOP Shake later today.

via Eagles/Wawa