Fans Wearing Bucket Hats in a Phillies Game Dust Up

Kevin Kinkead | June 13, 2022

Little bit of a kerfuffle at the Phillies game on Sunday.

Jack Del Rio might even call this a “dust up.”

Heyo! –

Worst part about this might actually be the filming. It’s like having a seizure during an earthquake.

But the scuffle itself isn’t so bad. You can clearly hear the word “whore” being used, so that looks to have escalated this thing, which was corroborated by Twitter user Gabby:

the lady & her son were sitting in a row & the man yelling & his wife went to exit the row & the mom said “I just sat down gjve me a minute” & they all started yelling and the man called the lady a wh*re and her husband & 2 sons started all fighting the dude

Good job of de-escalating, though. You had a couple of dudes come in to provide the muscle, then a big pile of bodies sort of falls over. I think I see an usher in there as well. The guy with the blue shirt and the calf tattoo does a nice job of getting in there to help straighten things out as well.

Best part is that Jamie Lynch, aka “The Silent Bro,” witnessed this in person:

I love the bucket hats. Fan fight on the same day as the bucket hat giveaway. Beautiful piece of video right here.