A.J. Brown Either Took Some Good Edibles or Went Down a Deep YouTube Wormhole

Kyle Pagan | July 1, 2022

Thursday night, A.J. Brown either got a hold of the finest strain of New Jersey medical cheeba or he went down a deeeeeeeeep YouTube wormhole.

Because he tweeted out that we all live in a globe, then deleted it:

For accuracy’s sake, we’ve been to the moon five more times after the initial landing (I had no idea either).

There was also this:

Before you start thinking we have a Kyrie Irving situation on our hands, A.J. does think the Earth is round:

Back to the previous tweet, it looks like he’s talking about the Ethiopian calendar, which does have 13 months:

The Ethiopian calendar has 13 months in a year, 12 of which have 30 days. The last month, called Pagume, has five days, and six days in a leap year. In contrast, the Gregorian calendar has days that can be less or more than 30 days in a month.   

This means they are between seven and eight years behind the rest of us, with 2014 getting under way last September.  

Damn, Ethiopia is only one year into The Process?

You know what though? I kinda side with A.J. on the whole time thing. You don’t think at some point throughout history some caveman forgot to mark which day of the week it is? Or the Pope’s assistant in charge of dates was like, “Fuck is it Thursday or Friday today?” I don’t think I’m 15 years old instead of 29. My joints definitely feel like I’ve been on this Earth for almost 30 years. But would you be surprised if it’s really May instead of June right now? It took forever for it to get warm this year. I was watching the Phillies in 50 degree weather in early April. Maybe because we were still going through late-February/early-March. And you know what? Encyclopedia Britannica agrees with me. Ever heard of it? Somehow in the 1600s when the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, 10 days just vanished:

In its session of 1562–63, the Council of Trent passed a decree calling for the pope to fix the problem by implementing a reformed calendar. But it took another two decades to find a suitable fix and put it into place. After years of consultation and research, Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull in February 1582 promulgating the reformed calendar that came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. The reforms were based on the suggestions of the Italian scientist Luigi Lilio, with some modifications by the Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Christopher Clavius.

The most surreal part of implementing the new calendar came in October 1582, when 10 days were dropped from the calendar to bring the vernal equinox from March 11 back to March 21. The church had chosen October to avoid skipping any major Christian festivals. So, in countries that adopted the new calendar, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4, 1582, was directly followed by October 15. France made the transition separately in December.

I don’t know if I’m right but I read a lot lol: