Derrick Gunn Says NBC Sports Philadelphia Reached Out to Him "About Returning"
Gunner news:
I want to give a shout out to @NBCSPhilly for reaching out to me about returning. Unfortunately things didn’t work out but I wish them well this upcoming football season.
— Derrick Gunn (@RealDGunn) July 1, 2022
We broke the news of Derrick’s NBCSP departure back in August of 2020. That was part of the COVID-inspired national downsizing that saw Serena Winters, Gregg Murphy, and other off-air employees lose their jobs.
Hot take:
NBCSP moving on from D Gunn was the dumbest Philadelphia media decision of the last 10 years. Unless he was making a bazillion dollars and they could no longer afford him, willfully parting ways with Gunner is the pinnacle of bonehead operation. Imagine having a layoffs meeting and saying “I think Derrick Gunn should be on the chopping block, he is expendable.” Whomever suggested and signed off on that should have been canned on the spot.
AND THEN – you’re going to come back two years later and ask him about returning? Hilarious. He just politely shaded the shit out of you. You have to now go sit in the corner and wear the dunce cap for 15 minutes.
It seems like Stamford can’t get out of its own way. Constant layoffs, cycling through shows, killing off original local material, etc. Let the regionals do their thing, or just sell them already. NBC Sports Philadelphia is a shell of what is used to be, mostly because of corporate-level interference, but also because of highly questionable talent decisions at the local level as well.