Zack Hample is the guy who chases home runs and foul balls. Some people like him and some people think he’s a loser.

Here’s his latest foray into the news cycle, which comes from a recent YouTube post that was clipped by the Absolutely Hammered podcast:


On the surface, it seems a little dumb to restrict some guy to sitting in his seat or area, and I don’t know anything about Coors Field rules, but Hample has been seen in other videos diving for balls and jumping over seats and doing other somewhat-aggressive types of things. I used to be Zack Hample ambivalent, since he did charity work and things of that nature, but recently I’m trending more towards the “Hample is a crum bum” side of the spectrum. Maybe it swings back to neutral at some point.

Here’s the full video if you wanna check it out: