If you haven’t seen the new Untold: Operation Flagrant Foul about the Tim Donaghy refereeing scandal, it’s pretty good. It gave us a good look into how it all went down and why there was probably more to it, but David Stern shut the investigation down. The wildest part of the whole doc was Tommy Martino, one of the main suspects and Donaghy’s closest friend, giving an autobiographical account on how he tasted bird shit in first grade.

A play in four parts:


Delco’s finest right there. Can you believe these guys got caught?

Listen, we’ve all wondered what bird shit tastes like or what our own piss tastes like. The difference between Tommy Martino and you is self control. Where you think to yourself “that’s crazy,” Tommy Martino licks first and asks questions later.

For those who have already seen the doc I have a couple things I wanted to mention. If you haven’t seen it now is the time to exit the blog because I’m pretty sure these are spoilers.






Okay a couple points from the doc:

  • David Stern definitely leaked that Donaghy was betting on games to the papers. If the FBI just wired him up and never alerted the NBA about their investigation he would’ve brought down multiple refs. Now we have to watch Scott Foster every Game 4 extend a playoff series.
  • There is no shot Donaghy only made $30k betting on games. Baba Battista was throwing $3-$6 million on a game and you’re telling me this guy saw less than 1%? If Donaghy only made $30k while doing most of the legwork, he’s the worst businessman of all time. I’m pretty sure they even admitted paying him $2k for every win and in the doc said their record was 37-10 at one point.
  • How about the glow up from Baba? Not many dudes with drug and alcohol problems look better than they did 15 years later.

via Netflix