The most fight shown by anyone in a Cowboys jersey was in the stands on Sunday night:

First off, did the guy in the 420 jersey show up to the game with no friends and think it was the right time to get in a fight? Now, in my opinion, anyone over 18 who shows up to a game with a 420 jersey should get his ass beat. There’s not much worse than a guy who still wears a 420 jersey after high school. He does it just so he can tell everyone how much weed he smokes. He’s the chillest guy at the tailgate. Nobody chills like he does. By the end of the night, he asks everyone if they want to burn after the game at his apartment and watch Half Baked or listen to the new Cypress Hill.

Lets break down the other characters:

The Dak Pack

Did this guy even end up with a scratch? Von Kaiser from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out threw more effective punches than these three. These three delivering knockout punches:

Whatever punches these three lacked, we did get an amazing hip toss at the end.

Broken Arm Guy

Broken Arm guy has a  +/-  of -20. Nobody wearing Brooks running shoes has ever looked for a fight. He’s just getting cardio in. We see him enter here doing absolutely nothing to calm the situation:

The only contact he ends up making is trying to hold back the security guard, who was the only reason 420 didn’t continue to get stomped out:

Security Guard

The unsung hero. The reason why this fight didn’t escalate further. I like this guy. I don’t think a fight should always equal an immediate ejection. If it’s something like this where fists aren’t necessarily flying, you can move 420 to another section. Why waste time filing the paperwork? The Cowboys just got their dicks kicked in. You don’t want to be there until 1 a.m. processing documents and going over the details for the 12th time. If this dude isn’t already a dad, he’s going to be a great one. He might be the first dad in human history to earn the #1 Dad coffee mug. The way he de-escalated the situation by saying, “that’s okay” had the Dak Pack shook. That’s conflict resolution at its finest folks.