The Wonder Years released their new album today, The Hum Goes on Forever. In it there is a track titled Paris to Nowhere and the first line is “We’re building shrines to St. Nick Foles”:

I’ve never listened to The Wonder Years, but now they’re my favorite band. Not because of their music, but because these guys are from the great borough of Lansdale! Joe Judge, The Wonder Years, the girl who played Paris on Gilmore Girls, and me, the guy who singlehandedly brought Dollar Dog Night back to the Phillies this season. The Mount Rushmore of Lansdale! Suck it Souderton and Doylestown. When’s the last time P!NK released an album or Jamie Moyer impacted the Phillies? Gotta be decades.

In The Paris of Nowhere the lyrics make a ton of references to Philly like “Market East,” “the Delaware,” and “Schuylkill.” They described the song to Katie Krzaczek at the Inky as a “love letter to the city”.

Obviously, they are huge Birds fans too. Here’s the lead singer Dan Campbell waxing poetic about football and the importance to this city while wearing a Malcolm Jenkins jersey at Boot and Saddle:

Check out their album. Lets run up the numbers for the local guys.

Editor’s note from Coggin: Good tune, but nothing tops G-Love’s “I-76” for Philly references.