Phillies fans brought it with the World Series hype videos on Friday. I usually sit in the “once you’ve heard one,  you’ve heard them all camp,” but holy shit it wasn’t even just fans. Aaron Nola might’ve posted the best one:

Here are the best of the rest.

DJ Reed Streets always delivers. He made the Action News remix during Flyers warmups a couple years back:

If I said it once I’ve said it twice. The DelcoDelphia boys go into hibernation until the Eagles season opener or playoff run and then they appear with some of the best hype videos this town has ever seen. Once this is all said and done and the parade for the Phillies and the Birds are just memories, the people need another Philly Sports Power Hour:

One day I hope they teach their kids how to make sick power hour videos so my kids can pregame with their buddies in college like I did. Circle of life.

The guy who runs the @DidTheSixersWin account threw his hat in the ring. Mixing the past with the present with players and celebrations on Frankford and Cottman:

If you take a look at Absolutely Hammered’s exit velocity numbers you’ll know he’s been crushing videos all playoffs long:

One of the best in the YouTube hype video game is Philly Insider Podcast. Honestly, don’t even know if they have a podcast. I’ve just always liked their hype videos: